New Government Guidelines
Distancing guidance
Avoid meeting anyone outside of your household, if you do meet anyone you must remain two-metres apart, risk of infection is lower if you stand side-by-side.
Don’t gather outdoors in groups of more than six people who you do not live with, visit friends and family inside their home or any indoor place and stay away from your own home overnight.
Avoid crowds, for example by not travelling at rush hour.
Face coverings
New government announcement: from the 15th of June face coverings will be mandatory on all forms of public transport.
As shops begin to open, the government advise if you are in an enclosed space where social distancing is not possible and where you will come into contact with people you do not normally meet, protective masks such as Covaflu can help reduce your chance of catching an infection and infecting others, Covaflu masks.
It is important to refrain from touching your face covering when wearing a face covering where possible, to avoid hand to mask transmission of the virus.
Washing your hands
The best way to prevent droplet spread is to wash your hands thoroughly and regularly, wash your hands for 20 seconds using soap and water or use sanitiser if you are out of the house.
Masks are effective only when used in combination with frequent hand cleaning.
There is some evidence that the virus can exist on fabric for a few days, it is important to wash your clothes regularly if working with people outside of your household.
Work from home where possible.
All workers who cannot work from home should travel to work if there work place is open. While at work maintain two meter distancing rule, and follow guidance provided by your employer.
Be mindful of touching surfaces as the virus can exist on surfaces for up to 72 hours
Reduce the amount of people you come into contact with in a work setting, by altering shifts and working in small teams.
If you must travel, it is advised to be mindful of how you choose to travel, to avoid public transport walk or cycle where possible.
The UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) currently advises British citizens to avoid all but essential travel abroad.
From 8 June, there will be new rules for entering or returning to the UK. You will need to provide your journey and contact details and you will have to self-isolate for the first 14 days you’re in the UK.
Wearing a COVAFLU ™ Flu Mask can help prevent you from spreading the virus to others and reduce your chances of catching it.
The best thing we can do now to reduce the risk to ourselves and others is to follow government guidelines on self-isolation and social distancing. Advice can change daily, so keep checking: