A staple of pandemic defence since 2007
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COVAFLU™ High Filter Disposable Face Masks
COVAFLU’s particle filtration technology can filter up to 95% of airborne particles, helping limit the spread of airborne viruses.
COVAFLU™ High Filter Disposable Face Masks help protect against pandemic viruses and other diseases by helping to prevent the virus from entering the body through the mucus membranes of the mouth and nostrils.
During a pandemic, healthy people should wear a mask when taking care of someone with a confirmed or suspected viral infection and when visiting public indoor settings. Wear a mask if you are coughing or sneezing. Although wearing face masks provides some protection from airborne contamination, it does not guarantee full protection against pandemic viruses. Masks are effective only when used in combination with frequent hand cleaning with hand sanitiser or soap and water. Covaflu has been a pandemic defence staple since 2007.
The Coronavirus outbreak began in China in December 2019, and it has spread rapidly around the world. It acts like other pandemic viruses, entering the body through our mouths and noses, and is passed on through coughs and close contact.
COVID-19 is the illness caused by coronavirus
Dr Tom Bracewell
Clinova’s Chief Medical Officer
“The risk of COVID-19 transmission remans an ongoing threat. It is important that when in confined spaces, such as public transport or essential shops, and when in contact with others that we take steps to reduce the risks of contracting or passing on the virus. Protective masks such as Covaflu can reduce your chance of catching an infection, and help avoid passing it on if you’re infected. As we continue work to flatten the curve, any reduction in transmission rate is welcome.”
WHO Guidelines
When to wear masks
WHO advises the general public to wear masks. Masks are effective only when used in accordance with guidelines. WHO also suggest other simple precautions such as cleaning or sanitising your hands.
Sir Simon Burns
Former Health Minister
Former responsibilities include overseeing NHS procurement
“During these unprecedented times, I am pleased that Clinova has increased its manufacturing capabilities to supply Covaflu face masks. These masks are essential in protecting our key workers as they work tirelessly in the fight against COVID-19, and they will continue to do their part in providing the maximum protection for people from this deadly virus.”