Do you know which mask to wear to stay protected?

As the world is beginning to return to normal, it is so important that we know exactly how to stay protected and which masks can offer us the best protection.

Why wear a face covering?

  • The virus responsible for COVID-19 is transmitted through respiratory droplets, produced by coughing, sneezing, talking, singing, breathing, etc.

  • Respiratory droplets may be directly transmitted to another individual, or indirectly transmitted through inanimate objects.

  • A face covering reduces the dispersal of respiratory droplets, so helps reduce the transmission of the COVID-19 virus.

  • Without a mask, respiratory droplets produced by heavy coughing travel may up to 12 ft.

What types of face coverings are available?

  • Cloth masks

    The quality of cloth masks varies, depending on material thread count, how much the mask has been used, whether or not there is a filter, and the fit of the mask.They may be better or worse than surgical masks, but are not as effective as respirator masks. Loosely folded and bandana-style masks provide the least

    protection, and respiratory droplets travel, on average, 3 ft 7 in (1.09 m) upon coughing. Cloth

    masks with a higher thread count provide more protection than loosely-folded and bandana-

    1 style masks .

  • Respirator masks

There are two kinds of disposable medical-grade masks: i) surgical masks and ii) respirator masks.

  •  Surgical masks are designed to protect people around the wearer. Surgical masks help protect the wearer from the largest droplets, splashes, and bodily fluids, but do not provide filtration protection against smaller droplets. Additionally, surgical masks are loose-fitting, meaning that they may leak on inhalation and exhalation. Upon coughing, respiratory droplets may travel up to 8 in (20 cm).

  •  Respirator masks, such as Covaflu, are designed to help protect the wearer AND people around the wearer.
    Respirator masks help protect the wearer from smaller and large droplets. Respirator masks are tight-fitting, meaning that leakage and respiratory droplet dispersion are minimal when the mask is properly fitted and worn.

Cloth masks and medical-grade masks offer different levels of protection

level of protection
mask table

How to stay safe while travelling


Mask advice from the experts